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  • Moisture Analyzer

7 Results

Product name Product info Price Wish list/Option
DAIHAN® [d] 1mg, max.110g High-performance Moisture Analyzer “WBA-110M”, 0.00~100.00%, 40℃~199℃ With 100g Cali. Weight, Back Light LCD, Counting Func., 3×displays of %(g)·℃·Time, & Ext-CAL Program, 초정밀/다용도 수분측정기 Sales code : DG25CAT00000072
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SciLab-brand® 1mg~110g High-performance Moisture Analyzer, “WBA-110M”, 0.00 ~ 100.00 %, 40~199℃
with 100g Cali. Weight, Back Light LCD, Counting Function, 3×displays of %(g) / ℃ / Time, & Ext-CAL program
초정밀/다용도 수분측정기, 전자동-digital, 3×displays 0~100%(0.01) / 40~199℃ / 1sec~9.50h, with Certi. & Traceability
Sales code : N00000000000163
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Kern® 1mg~60g High-Standard Moisture Analyzer, “DBS” with 10 Memories & Graphic Display, 0~100%, 50 ~ 200℃with Backlit LCD Display, 400W Halogen Quartz Glass Heater, Display of % / ℃ / Date / Time / Drying Program초정밀/다용도 수분 측정기, 전자동-digital, 0~100%, 50 ~ 200℃ Sales code : N05042000006603
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DAIHAN-brand® 1mg~110g High-performance Moisture Analyzer, “WBA-110M”, 0.00 ~ 100.00 %, 40~199℃with 100g Cali. Weight, Back Light LCD, Counting Function, 3×displays of %(g) / ℃ / Time, & Ext-CAL program초정밀 / 다용도 수분측정기, 전자동-digital, 3×displays 0~100%(0.01) / 40~199℃ / 1sec~9.50h, with Certi. & Traceability Sales code : N05042000006604
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Kern® 1mg~60g High-Standard Moisture Analyzer, “DBS” with 10 Memories & Graphic Display, 0~100%, 50~200℃ with Backlit LCD, 400W Halogen Quartz Glass Heater, Display of % / ℃ / Date / Time / Drying Program, 초정밀/다용도 수분 측정기 Sales code : SL1617000000651
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SciLab-brand® 1mg~110g High-performance Moisture Analyzer, “WiseWeighTM WBA-110M”, 0.00~ 100.00 %, 40~199℃ with 100g Cali. Weight, Back Light LCD, Counting Func., 3×displays of %(g) / ℃ / Time, & Ext-CAL program, 초정밀/ 다용도 수분측정기 Sales code : SL1617000000661
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SciLab® [d] 1mg, max.110g High-performance Moisture Analyzer “WBA-110M”, 0.00~ 100.00 %, 40℃~199℃With 100g Cali. Weight, Back Light LCD, Counting Func., 3×displays of %(g)·℃·Time, & Ext-CAL Program, 초정밀/다용도 수분측정기 Sales code : SL21CAT00000211
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